The Instagram mindset traps you must avoid

What if I told you it’s not Instagram’s algorithm that’s the problem? But it’s how you think about Instagram?

Wait - don't throw me with a shoe yet. ;)

Today, I'm going through the mindset that might be quietly sabotaging you from succeeding on Instagram - and how to flip it in your favor.


But before we dive in, I've opened a limited number of spots for my Social Media Accelerator for next January.

If you'd like to claim one of these spots... first take this quiz. It’ll help me see could this suit you.

The next steps will be given for you based on your answers. :)


1) Instagram success is random and down to luck

Have you ever found yourself telling Instagram success is random?

Or that it's for those "lucky"?

Well, I don't blame you if you have.

We all probably have done that at some point.

The reality is that it's not fully down to luck.

So yes, some luck is part of the equation...

But it's not the full equation.

Think about it...

If you've not got the results you're looking for...

Has it truly been because you lack the luck - or because you lack the skills and patience?

You might know I blew up my Instagram account overnight and have generated up to 11,000 followers in 24 hours...

But how long did it take until that?

I ran my account for 3 and a half years, and posted 284 times until I reached 2000 followers.

It took me 5 years until I reached my first viral moment, taking me to over 18k followers.

Now, I wasn't consistent the entire duration... so I perhaps could've achieved this faster had I been so.

If you posted 700+ times in 2 years... and you kept improving your content creation skills...

How would you not get lucky?

Most people just don't want to put in the work.

If that's you, my friend... that's fine.

But don't blame luck.

Just accept you don't want to put in the work needed.

2) I don't have time to do Instagram

Running Instagram doesn't need to take a long time.

We all have busy lives, but it doesn't need to stop us from creating.

With the right systems, posting a lot will not be as big of a challenge.

But sure, if you want to achieve something spectacular... some sacrifices need to be made.

Maybe you'll make a post on a break instead of watching a random YouTube video.

Maybe you wake up a bit earlier to get time for creating content.

Maybe you stay awake a bit later to make content.

You don't lack time.

And you won't get more of it.

What you lack is making it a priority.

How do you expect to achieve extraordinary if your actions are ordinary?

How do you expect to get the followers and money you want, if you keep the same excuses most people keep?

To get results others don't get, you must do work others don't do.

Excuses won't get you far.

But actions will.

3) I've missed the boat

Do you find yourself telling "I've missed the boat?"

Well, I can say you're not too late.

Maybe it was better to start Instagram many years ago...

But as the Chinese proverb goes... the next best time is now.

There are still chances to grow, absolutely.

You just need to have the skills & patience for it. Then anything is possible.

If you keep telling yourself you're too late...

You'll only find yourself regretting a few years ago you didn't start now.

I don't know how long have you been thinking of doing social media for...

But what I've seen online, is people make these videos every year on "is it too late to grow on Instagram".

And every time the answer is same...

As long as your content is good, you're not late.

And your content becomes good by making a lot of content.

So, just post stuff. You're not late.

4) I need to go viral to make money

Do you think you must go viral to make lots of money?

Well, if you do... you're thankfully wrong my friend.

This is definitely not the case.

There are many people who go viral with their beautiful videos and don't make any money.

That's why I don't chase virality as much anymore.

It's amazing to get numbers and attention...

But it might not make you much money... if any at all.

What you need is to have a strong community around you...

Even if that is like 1000 followers.

I know there are people with a few thousand followers who make tens of thousands of dollars a month.

(Yes, a month.)

I'm not saying you shouldn't try to go viral...

You should.

But to grow your account, and bring the right kind of audience in.

And then nurture your audience, and get them to know you... and that'll result in more money.

(This is what I'm doing now after going viral many times.)

Focus on community.

That's how you win.

5) I can't post because I don't know what to post about

I used to struggle with ideas.

I was able to be consistent for some weeks, but then I felt I had run out of all my ideas.

I stopped posting. And everything stagnated.

Then a year later when my stuff took off, I realized I had been playing the game wrongly.

There were ways to get, and find ideas to be able to post daily, for a year or more in a row.

And well, I did exactly that.

(Read more of my lessons from posting daily for a year ​here​.)

Efforts must be put in to get ideas.

And it's worth the effort, as the idea makes the biggest difference when it comes to content.

Sometimes, I get enough ideas just out of nowhere.

The key is to write them down, otherwise, they'll disappear, and you won't recall them.

Sound familiar?

Sometimes, I have bookmarked a lot of posts for inspiration.

Sometimes, I don't have stuff bookmarked... but I have other sources I can get proven ideas from to help me make the best content possible.

So, maximize the sources you can find ideas from.

And find ideas that are proven to work.

Because once something has worked... it'll probably work again.

6) I should start gaining followers immediately

If you hold this belief, you won't succeed.

In the beginning, your posts are probably not that good.

And things need time to take off.

Even if you have posted before, don't expect to gain new followers immediately.

Often what happens, is you'll lose followers for a certain amount of time before gaining new ones.

I lost followers for around a month, every day while posting every day, before my viral video, when I started posting again.

Understand it's normal to lose followers.

Some people will understand your stuff isn't for them - and that's OK.

It's better for both of you to "part ways".

Why would you want people who don't like your stuff hanging out anyway?

7) I don't need help

There are 2 ways to do things:

1) The bumpy and slower road

2) The smooth highway

Which one do you want to take?

I know I want a smooth ride and drive the fastest.

That's the choice you have with Instagram too.

You can take the slower bumpy road and learn things on your own.

It'll take longer.

It won't be as comfortable.

And you'll make more mistakes.

But you can choose the smooth highway, and avoid the bumps on the road.

How to access the smoother road?

You can make the ride smoother and faster when you learn from those ahead of you.

That's what I've noticed the most successful people in anything do: Learn from others' mistakes to skip the same mistakes, and move towards their goals faster.

When people ask how am I in the position I am at 21 years old...

My answer is I've learned from others ahead of me.

I've probably spent easily over $10,000 in the last 2-3 years on courses, events and mentoring.

(Haven't counted everything together, to be honest, but this year I've invested probably $5000-$7000 alone...)

Investing in knowledge & support has allowed me to speed up, and well, make money faster too.

Sure, it's been uncomfortable to invest in myself, but that has speeded up my process, and pushed me forward.

Had I never invested money into support or knowledge, I'd probably still take 4-7 years (after having spent 7+ years already on my journey) to achieve what I've done so far.

Not all have the ability to take the highway, of course.

But if you can, why not invest in your own future, to get the future you dream of faster?

Why wait around learning Instagram, its algorithm, how to grow your account and get more leads... when you can speed up from someone ahead of you?

The choice is yours, of course.

But personally, I rather pay for speed than for waiting around and wasting time...

Especially I'd do it to learn Instagram... because social media platforms keep changing so it might be tough to keep up and navigate it alone.

8) Instagram isn't worth the effort

If you don't believe it's worth the effort, then you won't put in the work.

If you don't put in the work, you won't succeed.

Simple as that.

Instagram's success brings lots of amazing things...

Such as recognition for your work, more clients, like-minded friends, freedom... and more.

If you don't find that stuff valuable, I guess it's not worth it for you.

But I knew I wanted to impact more people with my art and be able to help others change their lives with social media...

And I've been thankfully able to do that.

Now, if you'd like my personal help to help you grow your Instagram, have more impact on the world, get more clients through my proven systems...

Take this quiz, and then let's chat to see are we a good fit.

I hope you liked this week's Letter, my friend.

We have Holidays coming up now...

So I wish you a Merry Christmas, if you're celebrating it.

Next week there should be a Letter from me because, well, I want to write one for you to get you prepared for 2025.

So, see you then. :)

Enjoy the Holidays,


P.S. Have you taken my free Social Media Success quiz? It'll show you how ready are you to succeed, and where exactly should you improve.

Take it here.

P.S.S Have you read my book? What? You have a book?? Yes, I do. And it's free.

If you want some Christmas reading...

Click here to get access for free.

Enjoy. :)


Read this to win in 2025


How I built €10K months - and how you can too