The Unexpected Journey

My genesis collection about a journey I never thought I’d take on.

What do all the photos have in common?

Every photo has a human in it. Why? This is because Hugo sees his entrepreneurship journey as a big adventure, and these photos capture humans having adventures. In other words, the humans give an adventure vibe into the photos.

There’s some of Hugo’s best work in the collection to date.

I’m excited - and you should be too

I can’t wait to show you how valuable these NFTs are after the first 1-1 calls have been made. To some of you, those calls will literally be life-changing. I’m serious.

I can’t wait that the collectors of these NFTs can say in the future that they owned a piece of Hugo Korhonen’s first-ever NFT collection which he decided to make because of his unexpected journey to entrepreneurship.

I can’t wait (I have patience but this sounds better) until I am very successful and have helped tons of people, and the collectors can say they own a photograph which he decided to mint then to teach others. And that this photo/token was used that Hugo taught enormous amount of stuff from his heart when he was going all-in in entrepreneurship trying to make stuff work.

View the collection


Perks of ownership + other info for the collectors


